The Rusted Garden Blog — Starting Seeds Indoors
Indoor Seed Starting Basics for Growing Vegetable Transplants: Buy Shop Lights, Forget PAR Value, Save Money!
Publié par Gary Pilarchik le
The basic budget friendly lights needed to start growing your own garden vegetable transplants indoors. Don't pay $100's for lights. A $20 shop light is just as effective.
- Étiquettes: Garden Transplants, grow lights, Seed Starting, Starting Seeds Indoors
How to Prevent this #1 Seed Starting Mistake - Boiling Water & Fungus Gnats
Publié par Gary Pilarchik le
The number one mistake made, when starting seeds indoors, is not sterilizing the seed starting mix. Peat based starting mixes are notorious for having fungus gnat eggs in them. They can survive temperature extremes and sit dormant for a very long time in the mixes. Once you add water to the starting mix and expose them to the grow lights and warm temperatures, they hatch. The larva feed on the roots of your seed starts and grow into adult flying gnats. The fungus gnats lay more eggs and the cycle continues, eventually causing the huge problem of seedling loss. The...
- Étiquettes: Fungus Gnats, Seed Starting, Starting Seeds Indoors
20+ Seed Starting Questions Answered - Table of Contents: Prevent Common Mistakes & Get Answers!
Publié par Gary Pilarchik le
- Étiquettes: grow lights, Seed Starting, Starting Seeds Indoors