The Rusted Garden Blog — Worm Castings
How to Use Worm Castings for Your Tomato & Vegetable Seed Starts: Starting Tomatoes NO Grow-Lights!
Publié par Gary Pilarchik le
You can save a lot of money by starting your vegetable seeds indoors. It is a lot of fun and you can grow plant varieties that you just won't find, as transplants, at your local stores. There are two major issues that impact seed starting and they are lighting and fertilizing. I address both of them in the video. A lot of gardeners, that are seed starting for the first time, get thin tall flimsy seedlings. This is called 'legginess." When a germinated plant breaks the surface and it is NOT met by intense light, it keeps growing and stretching...
- Étiquettes: Seed Starting, Worm Castings