The Rusted Garden Blog — Growing Tomatoes
How to Make An Aspirin Spray & Drench for Tomatoes: Activate Natural Defenses & Use Less Chemicals!
Publicado por Gary Pilarchik en
I spent some time last year using aspirin to manage tomato diseases before the diseases showed. I was not vigilant about the routine, but can say my aspirin treated tomato plants did better than the untreated tomatoes. Early blight is a disease that gets tomatoes in my area. Last year the blight came, but it appeared to do a lot less damage to the treated tomatoes. The treated tomatoes also seemed to recover more quickly. This year I intend to follow a strict routine of aspirin drenching and spraying. I have seen enough of a benefit over the years using...
- Etiquetas: Aspirin, Garden Sprays, Growing Tomatoes, Sprays
A Complete Video Series on Starting Vegetables, Flowers & Herbs Indoors: A 20+ Video Collection
Publicado por Gary Pilarchik en
Starting garden plants indoors is rewarding on so many levels. It gives you something to do during the cold months and opens the door to transplants of 1000s of varieties of plants you would never find at nurseries or your big box stores. Not only that, it will save you a lot of money. Even with the initial start up costs of buying lights, shelves and starting supplies, you save money. You can get a good 10 years out of lights now-a-days. The money you save starting you own plants will pay for itself in the first year. Instead of...
- Etiquetas: Growing Peppers, Growing Tomatoes, Homestead, Seed Starting
10+ Tomato Growing Tips & Talk for Success: Do's, Don'ts, What's & Why's for New Gardeners!
Publicado por Gary Pilarchik en
Growing tomatoes is a little more than digging a hole and planting it, but not as complicated as many make it out to be. Here is a list of tips that will help you grow large, productive and healthy tomato plants. The video covers all the main points in detail. 1) Purple stems and undersides of leaves are normal and a sign of a healthy plant when the rest of it is green. 2) Purple veining and yellowing can be a sign of under nutrition or over fertilizing. It is important to feed your plants low and steady amounts of...
- Etiquetas: Growing Tomatoes
How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide on Your Tomato Plants to Stop Fungal Diseases: Mix Ratios, Spray Routine & Theory
Publicado por Gary Pilarchik en
Hydrogen Peroxide is H2O2, two hydrogen atoms and 2 oxygen atoms bonded together. It has one more oxygen atom than water, which is H2O. Studies have shown that plants create H2O2 and similar molecules in response to fungal and bacterial attacks. You can keyword search: The Oxidative Burst in Plant Disease Resistance for detailed information. This an extremely simplified explanation of how Hydrogen Peroxide or H2O2 works to kill fungi and bacteria on your tomato plants. The bonds that form a molecule of hydrogen peroxide are very unstable. When we spray H2O2 onto tomato leaves, the fungi like 'Leaf Spot' and...
- Etiquetas: Growing Tomatoes, Pests and Diseases
The Most Complete Video Guide For Growing Tomatoes & Peppers from Seed Starting to Harvest: A Digital Table of Contents
Publicado por Gary Pilarchik en
- Etiquetas: Growing Peppers, Growing Tomatoes, Seed Planting Guide